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Bede and moimon

BEDE Dale Norman;

Nicknames: Little B, Bed Spread

Age: 17

Birthdate: September 23rd

Height: 6’0

Hair: Ash Brunette

Eyes: Amber Brown

Digimon Partner: Moimon


Pronunciation: Moy-mon

Origin: moi- Maori, call for a dog

Height: 2’2

Stage: Rookie

Family: Nature Spirits

Human Partner: Bede



Bede has seen his fair share of the world but keeps his head held high, not in the form of optimism but more the form in believing he can still be something good in this world. Bede is incredible strong not only physically but internally, he takes a lot and it seems to just be swallowed up in his wholeness. He is very contempt with himself and is often more interested in solving others problems and brushing off his own. Bede is commonly seen at the skate park or the soccer field if he is not at school. He is sporty and fit and would rather be up and doing something than sitting at home in front of the TV. His curiosity helps him with this, if he sees something that looks interesting he will make the physical effort to find out what is going on.


Something Bede constantly does is isolating himself he does it a lot by accident. He ends up alone either by leaving others company or just by being stuck in his own mind. Living the kind of life he does, living only with his brother Harvey, he usually gets the feeling of loneliness and sadness. But never wanting to bother others with his feelings he keeps it bottled up inside of him more than he probably should.


Bede doesn’t think of himself as a hero though at every opportunity he puts every person before himself no matter who they are.

Bede is incredibly loyal and supportive, whenever somebody needs him he is always there and will make an effort to actually be at someone’s side when they need him. 





Moimon is an airhead. She can never see even the most predictable things coming. This makes her humour sense very high. She laughs at just about everything and everyone. She is a quick fighting Digimon and jumps around a battle field firing at her enemies from every which way. Her and Bede are like two-peas in a pod, her boy-ish and fun-loving personality is greatly admired by him. 




Vigorous Fox: Moimon is engulfed in flames then pulls back and launches the fire at the enemy in the shape of a fox.

Blaze Tails:  Moimon creates two more tails out of fire and swings at the enemy.




The fox like Digimon dwells in places with high temperatures able to thrive at temperatures over 50 degrees. If she finds herself in colder climates not only does her fur protects her from the cold  her internal heat, which travels threw her body with her blood stream, the heart being the source of this heat, does too.  Nibble and fast, even though the Digimon commonly walks on two legs in desperate times she can run at incredible speeds on all fours. 





Much like Moimon, Witikomon doesn’t have much going for her upstairs. However she is a great battler. While not much for tactics, brute strength and good aim work well for Witikomon to take out her enemies. She still has a great sense of humour and is one for cracking jokes in the heat of battle for comedic factor.




Rocket Claw: Witikomon retracts and then shoots her rocket powered claws at the opponent.

Blazing Abundance: Witikomon shoots fire balls out of her palms in a steady one after the other rhythm.




This lanky Wendigo is built for speed but doesn’t lack in strength because of it. The Digimon can attack enemies with its long limbs and deal devastating blows. Her rocket like attacks are powered by her hot fiery centre which keeps the Digimon warm and constantly ready for battle.


Pronunciation: wih-tee-koh-mon

Origin: algonquian; cannibalistic spirit Wendigo (Witiko)

Height: 7'6

Stage: Champion

Family: Nature Spirits


Screen Caps:

Episode 1: Pilot

Episode 1: Pilot

Episode 5: Indigo

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