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Stevie and Gryphusmon

STEVIE Ione Gilroy;

Nicknames: Stev

Age: 21

Birthdate: April 2nd

Height: 5'7

Hair: Honey Blonde w/ Pink Streaks

Eyes: Denim Blue

Digimon Partner: Gryphusmon


Pronunciation: griff-US-mon

Origin: latin; griffin- gryphus

Height: 2'5

Stage: Rookie

Family: Wind Guardians

Human Partner: Stevie



Stevie is a person who always knows what she wants and never struggles to make a decision. She bases all of her acts on her own reasoning and it is very hard for someone else to put their word into her head. Stevie is very well balanced, it takes a lot of stress to throw her off course, and she works incredibly well under pressure. All throughout her schooling years this came in handy as she aced all of her exams through the whole duration. Stevie, while she may be a little closed to acquaintances, is a fierce friend and is never afraid to stand up for someone, once you can get her to open up. She is the one who catches friends when the bounce off, while it’s never an intended manner, her friends all really appreciate it.


However Stevie is a little trapped in her own world, in which she believes people revolve around her. She has always been used to getting what she wants out of people and is never afraid to bend people to get it. Stevie never gives out the amount she takes in. Examples would be if someone just brought her two tickets to some expensive show she would either sell both the tickets for a profit or is she was interested she’d sell one and go alone.  Stevie brushes situations like this off very quickly unless the tables are turned and someone was to do that to her, on the very rare occasion that she buys someone anything, she would be absolutely furious. Stevie has also been known to be very possessive, of her own items and friends or boyfriends, she hates sharing.


She’s always been one to do things by herself, independent is putting it lightly, if Steive wants something done she will do it herself and use whatever means to get there.

Stevie is terribly manipulative, she uses people and throws them aside if they aren’t worth the trouble.  





Pisamon, thought mighty and powerful, is calm and cool. He has a very relaxed personality and would rather be staying on the side lines than fighting if he had it his way. He has a bit of a funny side and is known to sneak in a one liner here and there. 




Isolated Wing Spirit: Pisamon spreads his wings and a blue dragon spirit rushes forward to hit the enemy.

Dragon's Wrath: Pisamon charges adrenaline and delivers the energy in a strong blast.




The great griffin Digimon rules the skies with his intense dragon powered attacks. The Digimon is coated in fur rather than feathers to keep him warm when cold winds are rushing past him in the skies. When flying the Digimon can get to speeds of over 100 k/h. 





Gryphusmon likes to be the voice of reason, though he is a fence sitter. He never takes sides he only offers logical sense to each side of the story and let those who it concerns be involved. He fights in the same way, he makes sure the enemy is actually deserving of any punishment he dishes out. His calm nature gets fed up with Stevie’s stubbornness as he slowly mellows her out. 




Dragon Rush: Gryphusmon flies forward and pummels the enemy with quick slashes with his claws glowing blue.

Griffin Breath:  Gryphusmon can temporarily confuse and daze an enemy with a breath of blue power to the face.




A digital monster of the skies, rules the air with his fierce dragon-like powers. He stand’s upright on his thick legs using his large wings for balance making the Digimon strong not only in the sky but also on the ground. He is covered in dark fur rather than feathers in a camouflage pattern on his ears and tail. 


Pronunciation: pie-sah-mon

Origin: italian; statue called the 'pisa' griffin.

Height: 6'5

Stage: Champion

Family: Wind Guardians


Screen Caps:

Episode 4: Self-fulfilling Prophecy

Episode 5: Indigo

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