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The attacks burst from the Digimon in what seemed like a constant stream. Coloured energy and power flew back and forth between the monsters. 


Raowmon hit the ground hard on her back feet, skidding slightly before she came to a complete stop.


“Swipe Spawn.” She raced forward, claws blazing, and swung her purple paws into the side of Dokugumon. 


The blow sent the great spider-like Digimon onto its side. Scrabbling to its feet it aimed its hideous head at Raowmon. 


“Poison Cobweb.” The web attacked sailed towards the humanoid cat. 


A grey flash soured past the web and shredded the attack before it reached Raowmon. Landing not so gracefully on the ground was Ferricmon, grey in colour from the afternoon sun. He panted loudly this fight was a huge effort in his powerless state. 


“Come on Ferricmon. Let Raowmon handle this.” Harvey called from the side of the battle. 


“Hey now, she could use the help.” Avan commented. 


Luckily the fight was occurring behind the majority of Downtown, where there were only small buildings and trees. Avan had requested that the Digimon take more care in sparing the lives of the trees and trying not to break anything else as well. 


“Poison Thread.” The sticky attack was fast, too fast for Raowmon. 


The webs stuck and held her down strong. 


“Let’s go Raowmon, get out of there.” Avan shouted to his champion partner. 


Raowmon struggled and pulled, her feet scuffed the ground as she tried to find leverage. It was proving useless though; the angle she needed to push to free her was one she could not get at. 


Ferricmon was at the messy scene trying to cut through the webs with his sharp, bone claws. 


Harvey growled under his breath; looking at the situation. He thought by now the Digimon should be improving and not getting themselves into situations like this with no obvious solution. 


A distant cry was heard, Harvey and Avan both turned to the noise and saw a flash of intense Indigo. 


“Ceferinmon Digivolve Too…” 


The light flared, blazing a blue-purple colour before it revealed the Digimon beneath it. It was a quadruped that could be described as a wolf if not for its long ears that were equipped with white spikes. It was green with a large mane of blue fur flowing down its back. Orbiting its neck and tail were hot blazing balls of fire which appeared to be miniature suns. 



Following the daylight-Digimon was a young woman.  Underneath a green and blue beanie her curly light-blonde hair stuck out wildly from underneath it. She had bright violet-blue eyes that watched the Digimon as it ran to the battle. 

Hemeramon burst forward and struck her body hard into Dokugumon. Dokugumon reeled back from the impact; it was quick to right itself. 


“Poison Thread.” 


Hemeramon wasted no time dodging the attack by taking off the ground, she hovered much like Ferricmon did at night. She didn’t appear to be doing anything physical to keep herself a float it was very mysterious but the quadruped Digimon looked graceful as she levitated in the air. She glided quickly past the sticky mess that held Raowmon and swiped it away with ease. 


Turning back to Dokugumon, Hemeramon’s body glowed fiercely, enough for the humans to cover their eyes to block some of the bright light.


“Obscenity Horizon.” 


With the call a long flash of sharp white light came tearing into the scene from behind her. The straight sharp line of light collided with the spider Digimon slicing it in two. The two slices sat for a moment before dismembering into data and fading away. 


“Well that just happened.” Avan commented stepping forward.


The great form of Hemeramon gave off an indigo glow before down-sizing to her smaller rookie, who stayed airborne in the same mysterious way. 


She stood not too tall on two feet. Her colours were basically the same as Hemeramon’s, blues and greens with bright yellow suns around her neck. Her ears were long and blue and equipped with three white spikes across them. Her body was small but made up for it with a long tail flowing out from a mass of wispy green fur. The tail was tipped with a pale red orb that had a bent metal beam clasped around it. 


“I guess we are done here.” Ceferinmon said hovering close to her human partner. 


“Done? Is that all you are going to say?” Harvey growled. 


“Yes, we need to waste no more time surrounding ourselves with the likes of you, you couldn’t even handle one Digimon between two of you.” Ceferinmon spat bitterly, her eyes moved from Ferricmon to Shettimon, who had de-digivolved not to long after she did. 


Harvey’s tongue drummed against his teeth as he thought of something to say. 


It was Avan who ended up saying what needed to be said.


“So you have a Digimon, chances are you have a Fueller too, probably Indigo if I am not mistaken. Now I have a Digimon, he has a Digimon, we know a few others who have Digimon too and now you’re here and you have a Digimon.” Avan spoke directly to the young blonde woman. 


“What of it?” She replied but lacked the bitterness of her Digimon’s words. 


“Well, I am pretty damn sure this is not going to be the last of these ‘Digimon Attacks’ and we are working about getting to the bottom of why it is happening. Surely it will be better for both of us if you joined out little ‘team’ we are working with and help out.” Avan explained. 


The woman smiled but Ceferinmon kept a steady unhappy expression. 


“No.” Ceferinmon replied quickly. 


The woman pulled her Digimon aside and whispered in her ear. “You don’t trust these guys?” 


“Trust isn’t the problem here, they seem reckless and stupid, two things I don’t like.” Ceferinmon explained. 


“We’ll try okay, if they turn out to be nothing important we’ll ditch them, okay?” The girl suggested. 


“Okay.” Her Digimon replied still with an unhappy tone. 


They turned back to the two men and their Digimon. 


“Starting with the simple things, I’m Ellen and this is Ceferinmon.” The girl, Ellen, introduced. 


“Great. I’m Avan and she’s Shettimon.” He pointed to the grey-Digimon who had crawled her way onto his shoulders.

“Harvey.” Harvey nodded quickly. 


“Ferricmon.” His Digimon did the same. 


“Thanks for the save, for what it’s worth. I am guessing you might want to meet the rest of us?” Avan asked. 


“Sure I suppose.” Ellen shrugged. 


“Meeting at the Dragon Wah?” Avan turned to look at Harvey.


“I guess so.” Harvey turned and began walking. 


“Most of the group are a little friendlier than he is.” Avan said to Ellen before he followed his older friend. 


Ellen walked after them with Ceferinmon hovering by her side.

They looked like an odd group of friends; sitting around at one table in the Chinese takeout joint. Not long after Avan gave a call to the others did they all turn up and now they sat; Harvey, Kacy, Avan, Ellen, Willow, Bede and Stevie at a large circle table. They opted for leaving the Digimon all in Avan’s van; now that there were seven of them it was a lot harder to have them out in public than it was with one or two. 


It was the group’s first meeting since the attack on the bridge so there was a lot to talk about; mostly they discussed it with hushed whispers even though, like always, they were the only ones at the food service. 


Ellen caught up quickly learning about the Fuellers and the others Digimon experiences; she and Ceferinmon had fought off a Digimon a few days before where Ceferinmon had digivolved for the first time. 


But for Avan there was still more information that he was looking for. Something that Stevie and Kacy had been set to work on. 


Surely it would have been not that much work for Avan to do himself, but he had occupied himself with lying on the couch playing video games while all the action of the prior day went on. But being withheld from this information was not something he liked especially when the two people who knew something were sitting here. 


“So, what did you guys find out yesterday?” He leaned forward in his seat and stared at Kacy and Stevie. 


“Surprising… stuff all.” Stevie sighed. “It was really weird how little there was to do with it. We searched what we could on the internet and asked some people around town.”  


“And? What came up?” Avan edged her on.


“Uhh…” Kacy interjected.


“Alright, Outset Energy, we all know of because of their hydro damns or whatever they do. I was personally unaware they had anything to do with Nuclear Power. But apparently they had a station that was all about it; but went boom a fare while ago.” Kacy explained. 


Harvey shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “So, what the hell does this have to do with anything?” 


“Well… what the officer said was true. They have had some activity there after it being inactive for apparently seven years and doesn’t that figure sound familiar, a couple of guys who work at Outset let that slip to us with a bit of motivation from Stevie.” Kacy described. 


Harvey looked away from the blue haired male and made eye contact with Stevie sitting next to him. 


“It’s actually ridiculous how little information we could find about that place.” Stevie commented breaking eye contact with Harvey and crossing her arms.  



“What did you check for it?” Ellen spoke up. 


Stevie tossed her head over to Ellen’s direction.


“The internet, we asked a few people who were in the area. 1997 was a year we found was relevant.” Stevie ran her hands through her loose honey-blonde curls.


“What about the library?” Ellen questioned. 


“Yeah there too. There wasn’t anything to look for.” 


“Surely they would have old newspapers from the time.” 


Stevie bit her lip. “We couldn’t find an exact date anyway.” She snapped. 


Harvey grabbed Stevie’s hand and held it firmly. 


“Does it really matter looking into this?” He shuffled in his seat. 


Avan arched an eyebrow beneath his dark glasses. “Does it matter?” He repeated Harvey. “This is literally the only lead we have on why anything is happening and you aren’t the slightest bit interested in it?”


Harvey scowled. “What are we going to find out? Because if this hasn’t already made it clear there is shit all information about this Power Plant.”


“Hey now.”- Kacy started. “Like Ellen said I could find maybe a newspaper article or something about it, I can go to the library and use there servers to look it up. And if nothing comes up… well maybe we could just go see for ourselves.” 

“See for ourselves?” Willow said nervously. 


“Hell yeah. Outset Energy’s ‘work’ is centred right in the back of town, across the bridge out by my house. First thing we can do is try and pin point where this place was. Great idea? I do say so.” Kacy leant back in his chair with a cocky grin.


Avan nodded with approval. “Sounds like the only decent plan we have.” 


Kacy grinned. “I’ll keep rolling with this plan making then. Harvey and Ellen can try and find a newspaper article. The rest of us can take this to my place and have a scoot around Outset’s Modern places. The hydro dams, maybe we could find some more workers to talk too.” He winked an eye at Stevie. 


Bede stood up from the table. “Awesome, are we actually finding some answers to this madness?” 


“Looks like it.” Stevie gave Harvey’s hand a quick squeeze before she dropped it and stood up from the table and next to the younger Norman brother. 

The team had exited The Dragon Wah and got to Avan’s van. They filled in the Digimon on everything they had talked about. Harvey and Ellen collected their respective Digimon while the rest stayed with the other humans as they piled into Avan’s damaged vehicle before driving off towards Kacy’s house. 


Harvey, Ferricmon, Ellen and Ceferinmon were in walking distance to the public library as it was in Mainstreet along with The Dragon Wah. The two human’s agreed that their Digimon could pass as stuffed animals if they kept really still. Ceferinmon agreed without much fret but Ferricmon was not for the idea at all. Harvey eventually convinced the powerless deathly-Digimon to go with the idea. 


As they walked Ellen felt slightly nervous. There weren’t that many people in Mainstreet this day but with all the recent Digimon attacks, especially with the High School attack being on the news she felt conscious that people were staring at her and the older male carrying their Digimon partners. 


“I don’t know if this is going to work. So many people are staring at us.” She whispered to the much taller man walking beside her. 


Harvey’s mouth turned into a small smile. “Probably because we’re adults carrying around ‘stuffed animals’.” 


Ellen reflected his grin. “Right.” 


The two young adults approached the Library. 


It was an old looking building, made of brick with large circle windows. It was tall compared to the smaller shops next to it. On its left side there was a driveway gap so cars could drive behind the building, most probably for library workers to park their cars. 


Harvey glanced around quickly before placing Ferricmon at the edge of the drive way. This end of Mainstreet was empty but it wouldn’t stay like that for long. 


“You need to keep hidden, don’t get seen.” Harvey whispered to his partner. 


“What? I can’t come in?” Ferricmon complained. 


“No, just stay around the back.” Harvey explained. 


Ferricmon growled but nodded. 


“Ceferinmon you too.” Ellen simply let her arms open up as if she was dropping Ceferinmon. The green and blue Digimon didn’t flinch as her mysterious floating ability kicked in; she levitated in front of her human companion. 


“Alright. Don’t take too long.” Ceferimon agreed without fuss. She kicked off the air and began hovering down the drive way. 


Ferricmon gave Harvey a last dirty look before he followed on all fours after the day-light Digimon. 

Harvey rolled his eyes. 


“Come on.” Ellen grabbed him by his forearm and led him inside. 


The automatic glass doors slid open quickly and they walked inside. They dodged through the shelves of books. They headed towards the flight of stairs that lead to the half story. 


Harvey’s work boots thudded with each step he took up the stairs. He was impressed that Ellen seemed to know exactly what she was doing here. He considered asking her why but his thoughts were interrupted. 


“Harv come here.” Ellen called. She was already on the half story. 


Harvey sped up his stepping. He saw Ellen standing at a lone computer on a high desk. He approached and looked over her shoulder at the screen. 


Already the blonde had opened the library’s collection of past Newspaper articles. The computer loaded slowly as she clicked other applications. Harvey assumed there was a lot of data causing the lag. A bit of hope filled his chest, he found that he tried to deny it because with it came a strong sense of dread. 


He pushed the thoughts from his head. “Did you just call me Harv?” He asked the wild-curly-haired blonde. 


She nodded. “Yeah. Problem?” She grinned. 


Harvey shook his head. “Do you remember the year? Stevie said 1997.” 


Ellen nodded. She began clicking through the newspaper filled database. 


The computer flashed and an old looking article appeared on the screen. It was clear that the paper had been scanned, the way it was flat with a white background to the rips and tears in the old paper. 


 Harvey looked at the top corner and read the date. 


January 1st 1997. 


Ellen clicked next. The article held nothing of interest. The next page was from the same day. And was clearly just the next page of the original newspaper. 


Harvey sighed loudly. 


Ellen let go of her own breath. “This is going to take a while.” 



Ferricmon moaned loudly for the fourth time in a minute. 


Ceferimon glared at the night-time Digimon with distaste. 


“Would you please shut up?” Ceferimon commented. She had opted for sitting down against the wall of the library rather than floating. Even though this back area of Mainstreet was completed empty of people she still felt it was safer. 


“No.” Ferricmon snapped. He was sitting not too far from the female Digimon. “This is boring as hell.” 


“Clearly. But it would make my experience a bit better if I didn’t have you interrupting my silence every second.” Ceferimon barked. 


Ferricmon didn’t reply. He listened for the noise around him; distant steps of people walking, cars going along roads, water running through the river, birds singing from not that far away. 


“What silence?” He asked shrugging. 


Ceferimon rolled her blazing orange eyes. 



Harvey was sitting on a nearby couch. His head rolled back leading on the backrest of it. His long limbs lay loosely as if they were only hanging off of his body. 


Ellen was still at the computer. Her clicks were almost constant; every second Harvey would hear another when Ellen obviously didn’t find anything new. 


Click, click, click. 


Ellen squealed suddenly. “Harvey! Harvey!” 


The tall male jumped off the couch and came to the blonde’s side.


The screen was consumed with a large article titled; NUCLEAR NIGHTMARE COMES TRUE.


 The date at the corner read April 27th 1997. Harvey’s heart jumped into his throat and pounded hard. His eyes ran down the document and noticed the large patches throughout it. 



“It’s been burnt.” Ellen said after she clearly noticed it too. 


A smile still was pasted to her face. 


Harvey could even admit with the missing patches the information the paper had on the power plant was massive. 

It did raise a new question though. 


Who destroyed the document before it was scanned? 


Ellen looked sideways. “Hey.” She called. 


A library worker looked up at her call. 


“Yes? Can I help you?” The older woman asked. 


“Yes. This article. This is the condition you got it in? You don’t have a copy of it undamaged?” Ellen pointed to the screen. 

The woman shook her head. “No I’m sorry. I don’t know if we were ever in possession of this paper. Some of these articles are a bit too old for us to bother trying to replace.” 


Ellen hung her head. “Thank you anyway.” 


The librarian gave a quick nod before wandering off. 


Ellen grinned regardless. “This is still great. We got two names we can use.”- She squinted at the screen.-“Mark S. Roth and Fletcher Miles.” 


“The library doesn’t give us access to a citizen list?” Harvey asked genuinely. 


Ellen giggled. “No. I don’t know how we are going to go about that. I guess we could try phone books; we could see if Fletcher still lives in the area.” 


She reached into the tight back pocket of her blue short-shorts and revealed her indigo Fueller. 


“We better tell the others.” Ellen pressed the buttons of the device like an expert; after getting instructed by Avan before on how to use the Digimon-inclined device. 


She tapped the yellow circle on the glowing screen and held the device to her ear holding down the grey button.  


“Avan?” She said; her thumb came of the button. 


“Ellen? Did you find anything?” Avan’s voice rang out of her device. 


Ellen pressed the button again. “Yeah we got something good. We need to meet up again.” 


She released it.


“Great. The Dragon Wah will still be open we’ll see you there.” 




“Seriously this has been going on for hours.” Ferricmon complained loudly. 


Ceferinmon sighed. “Clearly some are more patient than others.” She commented. 


The two Digimon waited behind the old building while their partners were working away inside of the library.


“I do remember you specifically telling your partner ‘don’t take too long’, well I’m glad she listened.” Ferricmon snorted. 

“Shut up.” Ceferinmon groaned not wanting any sort of conversation with Ferricmon. 


“I bet if Harvey went in there alone he’d have been out with all the information we needed in three seconds.” Ferricmon blabbed. 


Ceferinmon jumped to Ellen’s defence. “Hah! If he went in there alone your whole body would have rotted away to bones by the time he even figured to look for a newspaper article.” 


“I see that she was still persistent to bring him along” Ferricmon growled back. 


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Ceferinmon stood off the ground. 


Ferricmon grinned devilishly. 


“Just shut up.” Ceferinmon sighed flicking her furry fringe out of her eyes. 


“I don’t even see why Harvey accepted another person into the group. We were going fine.” Ferricmon commented. 

Ceferimon stayed quiet. 


“Especially if that meant accepting you into as well.” Ferricmon moaned. 


“I said shut up!” Ceferinmon’s orange eyes glared at Ferricmon. 


Ferricmon remained unfazed. 


“Outburst Flare!” Ceferinmon called. The suns around her next burned brightly before shooting a beam of white hot energy into Ferricmon. 


The night-Digimon was caught off guard. The blast hit him hard and set him tumbling over and over before he came to a hefty thud against a parking meter. His grey furred steamed. 


Ferricmon groaned before he got to his feet. He stumbled trying to regain his footing. Ceferinmon’s attack was ridiculously powerful. 


He turned to face the daylight-powered Digimon his pink eyes blazing with anger from inside of the sunken eye sockets of his skull. 


Ferricmon pounced forward his sharp claws extended. 


Ceferimon’s suns around her neck glowed again. 


“Outburst Flare!” The beam fired again. 


Even with the warning Ferricmon didn’t manage to avoid the attack. He was sent reeling backwards again. 


“What are you trying to do?” Ceferimon laughed. “You can’t do anything to me.” 


Ferricmon growled. He ran forward again. Ceferinmon powered her attack.


The light smashed into the ground shattering the concrete. Ferricmon bounded upwards and clipped Ceferinmon in the chin with a solid blow from his hard bone paw. 


Ceferinmon stumbled backwards. Her eyes narrowed and she began to glow bright indigo. 


“Ceferinmon Digivolve To…” 



Hemeramon floated in the air in front of Ferricmon, though she was a beautiful Digimon it didn’t make her look any less intimidating. 


“Give up.” Hemeramon said with a bored expression on her face. 


Ferricmon scowled. He lunged at the champion Digimon. 


Hemeramon simply floated out of Ferricmon’s reach. 


Ferricmon looked up at the levitated champion. “Just you wait.” He said before being consumed by red light. 


“Ferricmon Digivolve To…” 



Thanamon appeared from within the light. Instead of his usual orange colouring and mysterious ghost like qualities he was the same bland grey that Ferricmon was. The angry red eyes that would have been open were closed tight. His feet stayed firmly on the ground. 


Hemeramon laughed. “Alright then. We can do this. It seems like you need a lesson taught to you.”


“Daybreak!” She called and fired an orb of yellow light from her mouth. 


Thanamon may have been powerless but he was still swift. He slid sideways quickly the attack missed the Digimon and hit the concrete letting off a cloud of dust and smoke. 


Thanamon jumped his back legs pushing hard off of the ground. He swung his back legs forward and sliced at Hermeramon with the scythes on his legs. 


Hemeramon twisted in the air away from Thanamon after she was hit with one of the scythes on her shoulder. It made a small wound that blood trickled from. She growled looking at the cut and blood staining her blue fur. 


“Obscenity Horizon.” The white beam of razor sharp light cut across the area, it sliced a nearby sign in half. 


Thanamon pressed himself hard to the ground. The knife like energy slid over top of him trimming the fur on his back. 


Thanamon dove off the ground, once the attack was finished, catching Hermeramon as she floated low. He tackled her out of the air and sent them both cascading to the ground. 


Like animals the two wolf-like Digimon snarled and snapped at one another as they wrestled. 


“Hemeramon!” Ellen’s shout echoed through the air. 


“Thanamon!” Harvey’s followed not long after. 


The two humans were alerted after there Fueller’s came to life when the rookie Digimon digivolved they had raced out of the library to check what was happening and were seriously surprised.


The Digimon ignored their tamers. 


Hemeramon managed to overpower the other champion pinning him to the concrete with her front paws. Her jaws snapped in his fur causing him to growl loudly. 


Thanamon pushed his back legs into Hemeramon’s abdomen and kicked. The blue and green Digimon was launched off of him. She spun through the air before she began to hover.  


“Thanamon!”- Harvey tried again with anger in his voice. –“What the hell are you doing?!” 


“Teaching her a lesson!” Thanamon growled back preparing to lunge again.



Avan drove his van down the road; the back was full with conversations between the humans and Digimon that occupied it. After going to Kacy’s house the group found themselves spending more time wandering around than actually doing any kind of research. The Digimon loved the freedom of the farm being able to run around in the large paddocks with no fear of being noticed. 


Willow sat in the passenger’s seat beside Avan humming to the tune of the radio. Avan noticed her small noises and turned his head towards the brunette girl. 


Immediately Willow stopped and gave a small smile before looking away from him. 


“How much longer do we have to wait?” Shettimon complained from the back of the van. 


“We haven’t been on the road that long. We are probably five minutes away, so long as the traffic isn’t too bad.” Avan said to his partner eyeing her up in the revision mirror. 


The dashboard of the van was suddenly illuminated with an indigo flash and a vibrating sound rang across the vehicle silencing all conversation. 


Willow’s blue device rattled for a few seconds before Ellen’s panicked voice rang from it. 




Willow picked up the device and held it to her mouth. 


“Yeah... Ellen?” She replied nervously. 


“You guys need to get here fast.” Ellen’s desperate reply came quickly.


Uproar started in the back of the van.


Avan silenced them with a quick ‘Sshhh’


Willow responded to Ellen. “Why? What’s happening?” 


“They’re fighting.” 


“Who? Is there a Digimon attack?” 


“Thanamon and Hemeramon.”


“Thanamon and Hemeramon?” Willow repeated with a confused tone she looked at Avan with a concerned expression.


The blonde male shared one similar. He was equally confused with what Ellen was saying. Thanamon and Hemeramon fighting, to him it sounded like it would be a harmless argument. But if Ellen was calling with such a frantic manner it can’t be something as basic as that. Avan was worried. 


He pushed his foot a little firmer on the accelerator and the speed of the vehicle increased. 


The unfortunate thing was that the recent fight on the town bridge had really slowed up traffic. It was amazing that the structure was even still in use after having large splits in it a few days earlier. Repairs on the bridge were instant and cars were being slowly driven over it by the night after. It was still under construction but because of the popularity of the bridge it couldn’t afford to be closed. 


Once other cars began to slow in front of him Avan had no choice but to lower his speed to a barely mobile crawl. 

“Damn.” He cursed; he sat forward in his seat to get a better look at the cars up ahead. 


“This isn’t going to work.” He collapsed back into the chair. 


“Okay. Who of you are good runners?” Avan turned asking his passengers that were scattered in the back of the van holding on to various items Avan had stored back there. 


Bede along with all the Digimon raised their hands. 


“I’ll go too. I did tracks in high school.” Stevie spoke up already taking off her high heel shoes. 


Avan bit his lip before replied. “You guys, Stevie, Gryphusmon, Bede and Moimon, run across the train bridge it’ll be faster than this way.”


The train bridge wasn’t too far from the main bridge. It was down the road and around the corner of the high school. It was a very popular way for students to walk to Mainstreet in quick time. Running, someone would be able to clear it in minutes. 


Moimon pushed her big paws against the leaver of the door and opened the sliding mechanism easily. 


“Come on guys.” She jumped out of the vehicle and skipped to the nearby foot path. 


“We’ll try not to get too noticed.” Gryphusmon said before he joined her opting to stand on his feet rather than fly.


“Be careful.” Avan eyed the two Digimon and then their human partners who nodded before jumping out of the side of van.


Bede gave Avan a thumbs-up before slamming the door shut. 


“Thanamon!” Harvey yelled loudly at his partner. 


The grey Digimon smashed hard into the ground close to Harvey. The man didn’t flinch though instead he ran and swung his foot and kicked Thanamon hard in the thigh. 


“Stop!” Harvey shouted.


Thanamon shook off the kick. The champion was covered in burns and was barely able to stand. But something inside of him was determined to beat Hemeramon. 


Thanamon got to his back feet and chased down the daylight Digimon.


Even though she had the upper hand in this fight Hemeramon was showing her own share or injuries. She was quick but sometimes not enough to dodge the slashing attacks Thanamon was throwing at her. 


Around people had gathered but kept their distance while watching the two champions brawl.  Some had phones out recording, others just had cameras, while most just stood and pointed or shrieked every time the Digimon fell to close for comfort. 


The area was broken, Hemeramon was making an effort to try and not cause a lot of collateral damage. It was mostly Thanamon taking hits into buildings and nearby artefacts. 


“Hemeramon please.” Ellen begged her partner to stop the fight. 


Like Thanamon, Hemeramon ignored her human companion and was engaged fully in destroying Thanamon. 


Hemeramon this time took a fall. Her mass collided with a parked car. She growled furiously before taking to the air again and shooting a light powered attack at the other champion Digimon who had hit her down. 


“Harvey!” Bede’s voice called loudly. 


Harvey turned quickly to the sound of his brother’s voice. By the time he made the turn Stevie was already embracing him in a rushed hug. Harvey balanced himself just as Stevie let him go. 


“What the hell is going on?” She grasped Harvey’s hand looking at the scene happening before her. 


“I don’t know. We came out of the library after our Fueller’s started freaking and they were just going at each other.” Harvey ran his hand through his hair in frustration. 


“Make them stop.” Stevie pulled Harvey further back from the battle. 


“Like we haven’t tried.” Ellen said from not too far away.


“Maybe we can stop them.” Gryphusmon spoke up. Standing close to Stevie’s bare feet. 


The griffin Digimon walked towards the battle slowly at first before he spread his purple wings and took to the air. He flew and even distances between the airborne Hemeramon and grounded Thanamon. 


“What is the meaning of this fight?” He tried asking. 


“Daybreak!” Hemeramon’s yellow laser-light attack blasted past Gryphusmon nearly hitting him. 


“Hey!” He shouted. “You obviously aren’t listening.” 


“Griffin Breath.” Gryphusmon blew the wispy blue attack from his beak. 


The blue-smoke smothered Hemeramon and she lost her concentration and fell. 


Thanamon took this as an opportunity to make another attack. 


Moimon stepped in to stop him. 


“Thanamon.” She tried before shaking her head. 


“Vigorous Fox!” She blasted the fiery animal shape at Thanamon. 


It was more a distraction than anything but at least made the champion move to dodge the fire and stop him from attacking the fallen Hemeramon. 


She didn’t stay fallen for long. Gryphusmon’s rookie attack was nothing for the powerful champion. She got to her feet and charged another attack. 


“Gryphusmon make them stop!” Stevie shouted clinging to Harvey in an attempt to keep him further away from the battle. 


Gryphusmon looked towards his human partner with concern and then was enveloped by a vibrant green glow. 


“Gryphusmon Digivolve To…”



Bursting from the light in full flight was a magnificent griffin Digimon. Pisamon’s huge purple wings flapped hard in the air keeping the large beast a float. His grey body sported swirled black markings that on his legs had large purple orbs protruding from his fur a top of them. A furry tail much like Gryphusmon’s flowed behind him. His brown eyes had a determined but still kind glare to them and they were easily read; Pisamon was ready to stop this fight.   


“I am warning both of you this last time.” His booming voice advised. 


The crowd of people that had gathered looked on at awe towards the flying griffin-beast that had just transformed and then spoke in front of them. Whether they were excited or scared all of them were amazed. 


Pisamon sighed deeply when neither of the other champions paid any attention to his words. 


“Isolated Wing Spirit!” Pisamon called. 


He flew up to a high altitude before fully spreading his huge wings. Beneath them blue energy developed then took the form of a dragon. The spirit dragon burst upwards before souring into Hemeramon knocking her from the air. It looped around again and ducked down to the ground dissipated into Thanamon sending the death-Digimon rolling backwards. 


Thanamon was completed drained of any energy. His form glowed red before it shrunk back down to an unconscious Ferricmon. 


Harvey wriggled out of Stevie’s grip and ran to collect his partner, Bede followed his brother and Moimon trailed after. 


Echoing around the buildings was the sudden sound of a siren. The crowd of watching citizens parted as two police cars came tearing to a stop in the drive way between the Library and other shops of Mainstreet. 


Two officers got out of their respective cars. There shocked faces when they saw the Digimon was enough to explain that they probably didn’t believe the situation they were called to deal with. 


Hemeramon, weak and barely standing on the ground seemed satisfied that Thanamon was now out of the picture. She glowed indigo and then shrank. The light disappeared and revealed Ceferinmon looking exhausted. 


Ellen stood shell shocked for a moment her mouth hanging open; clearly unsure of what to do. 


“Ceferinmon.” She muttered.



“What on earth is this?!” One of the policemen shouted. “What has happened here?!”


Before Ellen could make her mind she turned and looked to see the police clutching the sides of his head looking at the destruction and Digimon. 


His eyes fell on Harvey and Bede. 


“You.” He pointed at the older Norman brother. 


“You’re the Harvey Norman.” The police noted. 


“What of it?” Harvey held Ferricmon in his arms while staring down the officer. 


Bede fidgeted pushing Moimon behind himself with his legs to hide her.


“The police station has been looking for you to take you in for questioning.” The man of authority explained. 


“What sort of questioning?” Harvey’s eyes narrowed. 


“Well let’s start with what is in your arms and what is going on here.” The officer threw his arms wide with distress; gesturing to the damaged surroundings. 


“I’m not going anywhere. We need to get home.” Harvey began walking. 


“I’m sorry son but you need to come with us.” The police kept his distance from Harvey. 


Harvey ignored the officer and flicked his head towards Bede. “Come on we need to get home and sort this out.” 

Harvey balanced Ferricmon in one arm so he could run his free hand through his hair. 


His hand dropped and before he got a chance to reposition Ferricmon’s unconscious body there was an audible ‘click’ and some cold clasped at Harvey’s wrist. 


He looked down and saw a handcuff around his arm. 


“No, no, no.” Harvey said threateningly. He pulled harshly on the cuff in an attempt to pull the other end from the officer’s hand. 


A sharp pain shot through Harvey’s leg and he found himself kneeling on the ground; Ferricmon tumbled out of his arms. Both of the police constrained the resisting young male. 


They got Harvey on his feet and began to lead him to one of the police cars. 


“Shouldn’t we take in the others as well? They seem to be involved.” One of the officers said to his partner. 


“Why? They know nothing; they are only bystanders like the rest of them.” Harvey shouted angrily. 


The officers nodded. “There is nothing to see here. Clear off all of you.” He spoke to the crowd of people. 


The crowd parted and the whispering bystanders began walking in their own directions except one. 


Sitting on a nearby bench was a young woman with very dark brown hair. It was short, just brushing the pale skin of her neck. Her bright blue eyes were ringed with black eyeliner and they were watching Harvey matching the small grin she on her face. 



Harvey stared back at her just as one of the cops pushed him inside the open door of the police car. The officer slammed it after Harvey was inside and instantly the straw-berry blonde gazed out of the window. 


The mysterious dark haired woman stood and strolled away down Mainstreet.


Harvey’s eyes then fell on his friends. He gave his brother a small reassuring smile just before the police car hummed into life and began driving away.  



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